Three important features of a digital portfolio:
• To show cast the work of the student's blog.
• It can show your good skills in illustrations as well as writing.
• It's a easy way of showing people what your life is like with technology.
One advantage of a digital portfolio:
The advantages of having a portfolio is that it is accessible from multiple locations as well as many people can view it at the same time.
One disadvantage of a digital portfolio:
A disadvantage of a digital portfolio for a student is that it requires advanced technology which sometimes could be hard. And there could be plagiarism.
First portfolio:
Digital Portfolio – Colleen
The content in this portfolio is about her studies in Primrose Hill School Barrington, Rhode Island. The areas that are included are Reading, Writing, Math, Social Interaction and Conference Summary Reports. I personally don’t think it’s good because it is very plain. But what it is good about it is that it has a propose which is school subjects. I think what the girl did was good thinking that she was only going to do something with her school subjects.
Second portfolio:
Digital Portfolio - Kathleen Fischer’s Portfolio
This portfolio shows her abilities and experiences according to the Commission on Teacher Credentialing Standards. The areas included in this portfolio are home, environment, instruction, teaching, motivation, cognitive, presentation, presentation, assessment, affective, cross-cultural, and professional. I think this is a good portfolio but it looks very crowded.
Third Portfolio:
Digital Portfolio – Sean Dreilinger
The content in the portfolio is about the life of a boy. The areas included in this portfolio are family, friends, resume, cuyamaca, Del mar, contact, writing & reference, and books. This portfolio looks organized but everything is on one side which doesn’t make it look nice. Otherwise I think its fine.
ReplyDeleteWhat do you mean by: "To show cast the work of the student's blog"?
I hope we can cope part of the skills required for developing DPs in this course!
In the disadvantages, you wrote the problem with plagiarism. It is true, we can be exposed to it, but that is a challenge all of us have to face nowadays.
Good comments about the DP visited. You focused in the contents and design. Remember that they are key components of a friendly website.
You can have your own idea on how to present your DP so it looks professional and easy to use.